於2011年加入都市藝術工作室擔任專案執行、同時兼任加力畫廊佈展及設計人員,從都市藝術草創期開始參與大大小小案子,曾擔任『2013 高雄市立美術館公共藝術案-李明則』『2013 臺南麻豆總爺防空洞藝術節』『2020 高雄市旗津海岸藝術季-1920公尺的約定』等案子專案,並於2014年前往澳洲working holiday兩年 ,回台後參與2017年月津港燈節執行,2019年正式回歸至今。
Tno Lin | Project Executive
Chang Gung University | Industrial Graphic Design
Being half of Penghu, Tno was born and raised in Tainan. His passion for design earned him a bachelor degrees from Chang Gung University.
He is also an explorer for gourmet.
Tno joined the team in 2011 as a project executive, concurrently as art decorator and designer for InArt Space Gallery. Being part of founding team member of Urban Art Studio, he participated in many large and small projects such as the “2013 City Portal: Museum Park Public Art Project - Lee Ming-Tse”, “2013 Searching My Sweet Shelter Art Festival“, and “2020 Cijin Coast Art Festival”…
To broaden his global vision and edifying various experiences, Tno spent 2 years in Australia as a working holiday. He returned to Taiwan in 2017 and participated a single event “Yuejin Lantern Festival” as project executive, then finally rejoining the team in 2019 until now.