
2017 漁光島藝術節 在漁光島放空的99種方法 漁光島 都市藝術工作室

2017 Yuguang Island Art Festival | 99 Ways to space out on Yuguang Island




Yuguang Island, which southern Taiwanese have regarded as the most beautiful hidden gem on the sea is located to the southwestern Anping. Whether they wander in the forest, surf-chase at the beach, or enjoy water activities carefreely, those who have visited this island will brand it a lovely place. Artists have created contemporary art installations through their vision for Yuguand Island Art Festival especially a vision for space-out so that visitors can see the greatest charm of Yuguand Island and immerse themselves into the surroundings. Also they can get away from busy lives and enjoy the sea breeze and tranquility for a moment.

This year the Art Festival is titled “99 Ways to space out on Yuguang Island” and artists have been invited to create 14 installations to arouse people’s imaginations for Yuguang Island. People can choose their own way to relax and refresh here as a special traveling experience.


exhibition info:


展期: 2017 / 11 / 11 – 11 / 26
開幕: 2017 / 11 / 11  4:00 PM
地點: 台南漁光島





Glittering House | UxU Design Studio

Yuguang Island is also named “Three Khun-sin“ meaning islet in Taiwanese. The sand bar there is like a dolphin’s back appearing on the sea surface. The arch shape was studded with big and small glass balls that reflect light like the glittering ocean surface. The glittering reflects the source of the name “Yuguang Island” with the situation in which fishermen’s boats light on the sea at night.





Misty Forest | You Wen-Fu

As we gaze into the distance, the artwork, a misty forest has been installed at the Crescent Bay, the white banding forest similar to clouds floating on the island like a lighthouse guides people to the forest. When people enter the forest, the scene is like people on the ocean seeing the appearance of Yuguang Island. By turns of looking out from and into the forest, people can observe the scenes mutually. The epitome is similar to the situation in which fishermen sail from the island to the sea and then come back to the island from the sea. Hence, the artwork, the misty forest depicts the islet, the sea or the beach wrapped in the mist.




Corridors of Wander in Dreams | IGraduate Institute of Architecture

Made with white yarns like sea tides surfing and contrasted with blue sky, the wooden construction of this art installation has shown romantic ambience. When visitors step into the tunnel under the sunshine, their figures turn into acting shadows playing on the stage like dramas titled “wandering in dreams”. This art installation is located between the two works: Decks of wander in dreams and Towers of wander in dreams. These three works mentioned above have formed the overall atmosphere of Yuguang Island.



三十餘顆以海砂、少量石膏製成的球體中,皆包覆著寫有孩童手繪的卵石,如珍珠項鍊般散列於月牙灣。來一趟漁光島,從風中感受與海洋無聲的對話,《喃喃細語潮間帶》經海浪不停歇得淘洗,偌大的球體將慢慢地消融於海水,留下石頭上若隱若現的隻字片語,宛若孩童對海的低聲呢喃。 *此作品與永福國小學生共同創作。

Whispers at the Intertidal Zone | Lin Shuen-Long

The artwork, whispers at the intertidal zone was created out of materials including sea sands and gypsum. Inside the spheroids are cobbles with children’s graffiti on them. The thirty spheroids are installed at the Crescent Bay like a pearl necklace and the artwork, whispers would be washed out constantly by sea waves and the spheroids would dissolve a bit to the ocean and become smaller and leave vague words looming on the cobbles like children’s whispers to the sea.



金色代表『過去』─漁獲滿載或秋茂園盛況時的黃金隨月;銀色代表『現在』─台南的後花園,年輕人的新鮮探險,浪漫的沙灘;幻彩則代表『未來』眾人的期待與對未來的想像,《愛心光景》試圖呈現人們對於漁光島的過去、現在、未來,分別懷著什麼樣的情感與想像,而找尋不同年齡層的民眾,將各種心聲以及對漁光島的愛,書寫於幻彩的反光片上,進行小卡書寫的收集與歸納,以 《愛心光景》的樣貌在月牙灣上隨風閃爍金光、銀光、幻彩光的滿滿大愛心。

Three Bright Hearts | UxU Design Studio

The golden heart in the artwork stands for the past- a golden period of abundant fishery harvest. The multi-colored heart stands for the future loaded with people’s expectation and imagination. The artwork, three bright hearts illuminate that people have various emotions and imagination for the past, the present and the future at the Yuguang Island. The artwork, three bright hearts attracts visitors different of ages as they write down their feeling and love for the island on the reflecting plastic cards collected together to shape the artwork shining with lights at the Crescent Bay.




Encircle | Yu-Yu Art Studio

The artwork, encircle is formed by the natural material, makinoi bamboo and the work also coheres with natural ecology. The space circled and protected by the artwork also makes wise use of natural features of the material. As bamboos will get refine through time: the verdant bamboos will turn into golden ones slowly. The change of their appearance is like the banding silky lines that will transform from green ribbons (symbolic of protecting nature) into golden ribbons (symbolic of welcoming home-sick returning visitors).