3 | 太空漫遊

太空漫遊 |  Space Odyssey

VJ 舒瓦夫 x 台東在地學⽣共創
Collaborative Creation by VJ Suave and Taitung Local Students


巴西藝術家 VJ 舒瓦夫 (VJ Suave) 擅長⽤藝術擾動地⽅,透過藝術介入地⽅環境,促使⼈們以新的 視⾓看待周圍原以為了無新意的世界。當街頭藝術以動畫形式照亮城市的牆壁、樹⽊時,⼀幅幅地⽅⼩朋友與藝術家共創的奇幻故事便展開了。整個藝術共創過程充滿無限的想像和童趣,呈現孩子對世界的好奇⼼和探索精神,⽤可愛照亮城市⾓落。而旅客們就如同太空漫遊時進行星際探險一般,發現了這片美麗之地:知本,開始漫遊玩耍、跳舞旅⾏,並結交到⼀群熱誠好客的朋友。

Brazilian artist VJ Suave is known for using art to disrupt and transform spaces, intervening in local environments to encourage people to see their seemingly ordinary surroundings in a new light. When street art in the form of animations illuminates city walls and trees, a series of magical stories, co-created by local children and the artist, begins to unfold. The creative process is filled with boundless imagination and childlike wonder, reflecting the curiosity and adventurous spirit of the children. Their playful art brings light and joy to every corner of the city. Visitors, like space explorers on an intergalactic journey, discover the beauty of Zhiben, roaming, dancing, and forming friendships with the warm and welcoming locals.